Sunday, November 11, 2012

Livy 1.11

While the Romans are doing these things there, the army of the Antemnates through the opportunity and solitude made an incursion in a hostile manner into the Roman territory.  [Raptim] The Roman legion having been lead out swiftly overwhelmed those fighting in the fields.  The enemy was scattered therefore by the first attack and shout (and) the town was captured; Hersilia, his wife, worn down by the prayers of the captured women, begged Romulus, rejoicing in the double victory, to give pardon to the parents of these and receive them into the state: thus he could unite the state with concord.  [Facile] It was easily granted.  Thence he set out against the Crustuminians bringing war.  There it was less of a struggle also because their spirits had fallen with the disasters of the others.  [Utroque] In both (places) colonies were sent; more were found who gave their names for (lit. in) Crustuminum because of the fertility of the land.  Thence also to Rome it was migrated frequently, mostly by the parents and relatives of the abducted women.

The last war was raised by the Sabines and was by far the greatest: for nothing was done through anger or desire, and they did not show war before they brought (it).  [Consilio] A trick was also added to plan.  Spurius Tarpeius was in command of the Roman citadel.  Tatius corrupted (lit. present) his maiden daughter – by chance she had gone outside the walls to seek water then for sacred rites – having been received they killed the overwhelmed girl with their weapons, whether so the citadel seemed to be captured more by force or for the sake of an example for a betrayer that there is not any faith anywhere for a betrayer.  [Additur] A story is added that the Sabines commonly had gold armlets of great weight on their left arms and jeweled rings of great beauty; she demanded what they had on their left hands; therefore shields were piled upon her instead of golden gifts.  [Sunt] There are those who say that from the agreement of the handing over what was on their left hands she sought the weapons directly, and having been seen to act treacherously she herself was purchased with her own fee.

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