Thursday, September 4, 2008

Catullus 8

Wretched Catullus, stop being a fool, consider lost what you see has been lost. Bright suns once shone for you when you used to come frequently to where your girl was leading, loved by us as no woman will be loved; then when those many jokes were made, which you wished for nor did your girl did not want, bright suns truly shone for you. Now that woman does not want; you too, powerless one, do not want! Neither chase what flees, nor live miserable, but with obstinate mind, endure, be firm! Goodbye girl, now Catullus is firm, neither will he miss you, nor will he ask you unwilling. But you will grieve when you will not be asked. Wicked woman, woe to you! What life remains for you? Who will approach you now? To whom will you seem beautiful? Whom will you love now? Whose will you be said to be? Whom will you kiss? Whose lips will you bite? But you, Catullus, stubborn, be firm.

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